Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Algerian surprise

"Women make up 70 percent of Algeria's lawyers and 60 percent of its
judges. Women dominate medicine. Increasingly, women contribute more
to household income than men. Sixty percent of university students
are women, university researchers say.
Although men still hold all of the formal levers of power and women
still make up only 20 percent of the work force, that is more than
twice their share a generation ago, and they seem to be taking over
the machinery of state as well.
The women are more religious than in previous generations, and more
modern, sociologists here said. Women cover their heads and drape
their bodies with traditional Islamic coverings. They pray. They go
to the mosque - and they work, often alongside men, once considered

"Algeria's quiet revolution: Gains by women," International Herald
Tribune, May 26, 2007