Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lessons for grownups

Laura has read Le Petit Prince with Véronique in French, because
French is their language. Yesterday, we picked up Kathrine Woods'
English translation of The Little Prince, which I read in Spanish
when I was eight or nine. As everyone remembers, there are many
lessons for grownups in this book. The first one is to look
carefully. Drawing Number Two is not a picture of a hat, but of a boa
constrictor. In Chapter 4, there's another important lesson for

"I have serious reason to believe that the planet from which the
little prince came is the asteroid known as B-612.

This asteroid has only once been seen through the telescope. That was
by a Turkish astronomer, in 1909.

On making his discovery, the astronomer had presented it to the
International Astronomical Congress, in a great demonstration. But he
was in Turkish costume, and so nobody would believe what he said.

Grown-ups are like that...

Fortunately, however, for the reputation of Asteroid B-612, a Turkish
dictator made a law that his subjects, under pain of death, should
change to European costume. So in 1920 the astronomer gave his
demonstration all over again, dressed with impressive style and
elegance. And this time everybody accepted his report."